Hatch to order Female Columbian black tail chicks
Simply purchase however many Female chicks you would like and at what age. We will take all the stress out of incubating the eggs, taking into account our current fertility rate, hatch rate and how many of each sex will likely hatch. We will then supply you with sexed females (males are also available at half the cost of females should you want them). We always allow a few extra eggs when incubating in case of any unforeseen issues. Lead time is normally 3-4 weeks plus the age you want them to be on collection.
Produced by crossing a Rhode Island Red Cockeral with Light Sussex Hens, the Columbian Black tail is auto sexing from hatching so I can guarentee female Chicks. These are available from fertility test batches and also as hatch to order. We do not post any Livestock, it is collection only from GL6 7HJ