Light Sussex hybrid Point of lay Hen


This is a dual-purpose utility breed originating in England from Roman times.  We only stock large fowl Light Sussex

These birds are alert but docile and highly adaptable, happily free-ranging; they are great foragers but will also thrive in confined conditions.

The cock birds, however, are large and often aggressive. The hens go broody and make great mothers.

They lay 240 to 260 medium/large brown eggs a year.

Birds are 16-22 weeks old and are vaccinated against Mareks, Turkey Herpes Virus, Infectious Bronchitis, Infectious Bursal disease, Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Coccidiosis, Salmonella Enteritidis, Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Egg Drop Syndrome

All livestock is collection only from GL6 7HJ